Tennessee Dept. of General Services Simplifies Single Channel Playout with NVerzion Automation

The Tennessee Department of General Services is the logistic backbone of Tennessee State government. It's responsible for providing goods and services to the state government and coordinating with the citizens and vendors who wish to do business with said government.

As part of their responsibilities, the department provides a video feed from each of nine committee rooms to broadcast legislative committee meetings to the public.

The NVerzion system connects to the Evertz house router that controls the video feed(s) coming from the committee rooms. NBase provides a database for recorded files, and NView provides the graphical database representation for viewing the file metadata information relating to the playout video server. NControlMC provides an automated playlist for the master control switcher.

Tying all this together is NVerzion's fail-safe EMC-NT ethernet machine control, providing control of physical device infrastructure and an interface with NVerzion software. The new NVerzion system streamlines the state house's existing infrastructure, and triggers for downstream graphics, effects, and Voice-Overs.

Always flexible and modular, the NVerzion automation system was designed with future expansion in mind. Leaving room for the addition of a channel for in-house delivery, and automated record/prep with an expanded content management system.

About NVerzion: NVerzion is a leading provider of digital broadcast automation tools and video servers that streamline an operator’s entire workflow from acquisition to distribution and playout of content, reducing opex and capex. Based on a Component Level Automation System Solutions (CLASS™) concept that supports easy implementation into any existing infrastructure, NVerzion solutions offer users scalability, reliability, redundancy, and guaranteed interoperability with third-party systems. Powered with over 29 years of engineering excellence, all NVerzion systems are also backed with worldwide training, superior customer service, and life-time engineering support. More information about NVerzion can be found at www.nverzion.com.